
Best Electrical Components for Power Surge Protection

Load shedding has become an undeniable part of our lives. Yes, it is disruptive and can be annoying, but it is our reality. Instead of getting fed up, make sure you set your home or workplace up to minimise the impact of load shedding. This not only means making use of backup or alternative power supplies, but also protecting yourself from the dangers posed by regular load shedding, such as power surges.

Why get power surge protection?

A power surge occurs when the system voltage rises above the standard system average. If the surge far exceeds the norm, it can cause severe damage to motors and circuits, rendering affected appliances useless. Smaller, regular surges – like those caused by continued load shedding – also cause damage. This damage may not be noticeable at first, but without power surge protection, the lifespan of your appliances will be significantly shorter.

What are the best electrical components for power surge protection?

For homes or small businesses, the best option is to invest in a surge protector for your DB board, while also considering surge protecting power strips as an additional layer of protection.

The two most common types of surge protectors are:

1. Metal Oxide Varistor – This works with a variable resistance. When the voltage is within acceptable limits, it does nothing, but as soon as the voltage surges, the semiconductor’s resistance lowers and it conducts the current to earth.

2. Gas Discharge Arrestor – This works on a similar principle by diverting excess current to earth, but uses an inert gas as the conductor.

If you live or work in an older building, you may have to update your DB board before you are able to install a surge protector. While this may seem a daunting task, it can easily be done by a certified electrician. What’s more, you can find all the electrical components you need at Switch Electrical.

Make sure you’re ready for the impact of load shedding Get the best electrical components for power surge protection from Switch Electrical – the leading wholesale electrical distributor since 2009. Contact the team from Switch Electrical for high quality electrical components today.

electrical components surge protection
Protect your devices from power surges with quality electrical components.